Sunday, April 22, 2007

Twingly Screensaver- Visualizing Global Blog Activity

This is something I heard about, that I unfortunately cannot download because it is only for PCs. I am planning on coercing someone into letting me download it onto their computer to see what it looks like in real time. This is the description of the screensaver from the makers:
"Twingly screensaver is visualizing the global blog activity in real time. Forget RSS readers where you see only what you're interested in. With Twingly screensaver you get a 24/7 stream of all (viewer discretion advised) blog activity, straight to your screen."- Primelabs

Somehow I think this would be much more compelling to watch if it were live, than something like the "updated blogs" rolling list on blogger, or the recently update livejournal function. I don't quite know what to make of it yet, but thought I should share.

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